Consent’s not only a must-have, it can make sex more pleasurable for everyone involved. Want to learn more? We give you permission to read below 😉. We Like Consent as. Much as We Like Fries.…
How To Make Consent Sexy! September 2, 2024. CONSENT IS A TURN ON 🔥. In this blog post, we'll discuss: Popular models of consent. Phrases and communication tools to give and receive consent. Consent and hookup apps.…
ICYMI, check out our. first blog post on consent. , where we discussed what consent looks, feels, and sounds like, with tools on how to negotiate consent with our partner(s) and within ourselves.…
CONSENT STORIES. ONLINE DATING STORIES. MENTAL HEALTH STORIES. We LOVE a good story, especially when it comes from our Sexfluent community! Check them out below.…
Learn more about healthy relationships, consent, online dating, and personal pleasure. sexual health. I’d love to know more about sex and my body.…
We hope you enjoy our content as much as we enjoyed making it for you!…
Please consult a licensed doctor or lawyer before making decisions with medical or legal implications. While we make every effort to ensure that content is accurate as of the date it’s posted, mistakes may appear.…
Remember, consent is mandatory. Continue to check in with yourself when you’re alone. and with others. by asking if what you're. doing. aligns with what you. want. ✔ TALK IT OUT. Communication is key.…
This risk is best balanced through something called informed consent. But what does that really mean? Informed consent = honest, clear, and transparent communication around expectations and boundaries.…
Consent in. HIV Testing. HIV as a. Reportable Illness. Anonymity in. HIV Testing. Navigating a. Positive Result. What’s the Deal on HIV? HIV stands for. Human Immunodeficiency Virus. We have a whole page dedicated to.…
The purpose of a chaperone is to support the patient, and ensure your consent is respected.…
Consent, Every step of the way (Officially 16+). Anywhere between a first peck to full-blown kink.…
If someone crosses your boundaries even after you’ve told them what your limits are, they are violating your consent. Read more about that. here.…
Ensure that both parties have expressed enthusiastic consent. CHECK the expiry date on the condom wrapper. If it’s not expired, UNWRAP the condom from its wrapper.…
Next: 4 Things That Can Complicate Consent…
Emotional safety. is also important, but we don’t always talk about emotional safety in the context of generic safer sex practices like STI testing, barrier methods, pregancy testing, etc.…
They say you can’t give proper consent when you’re drunk or high, so before anything happens make it clear what you’re ok with doing sexually.…
Negotiation and. consent. between performers also often get edited out of scenes.…
While there’s lots of ways to connect with new people, if you’re thinking of using an app, check out the awesome info we’ve compiled for you below, including a list of 8 safety tips from some dating app veterans.…
Ultimately, condom use is all about communication, agency, consent, safer sex, and fun! LUBE. Lube. is short for. lubricant. and is a slippery liquid that makes it easier for different body parts to slide together.…
National Youth Advisory Committee. comprised of diverse youth across Canada, whose valuable insight assisted in the creative development of the Sexfluent brand and informed the trajectory of our digital content.…
Content Warning: The information below discusses experiences that may be triggering for some, such as self-harm and suicide.…
Four Cornerstones of Eroticism. as another key concept from his research.…
Typically, when people talk about safety planning for a first date, they specifically direct the content toward women. While women are often at risk for violence during a first date, they are not the only group at risk.…
Moreover, if you have one, disclosing that you have an STI can be a freeing moment that can seriously boost your sexual self-concept.…
Content Warning: The information below discusses experiences that may be upsetting or triggering for some, such as family dynamics, bullying, homophobia, transphobia, racism, colonialism, abuse, and violence.…